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The Sewing Studio, Isle of Wight began over 12 years ago after Karen decided to leave her job as a costume maker and pursue her dream of being a fashion designer. Karen had over 9 years of wonderful experience to pass on and share with others.

From Ballet and Opera, West End theatrical productions and top Films, Karen had helped create many many different costumes to A list standard. Elizabeth the Golden Age, Phantom of the Opera and Pirates of the Caribbean 2 were just a few films she was so lucky to be a part of. Lion King, Love Never Dies and Spamalot a few stage shows and some of her favourite productions to be a part of.

​Karen's classes started as an additional stream of income whilst she set herself up as a bridal wear designer, but over time actually became the main part of her business and the most rewarding and fun.

Fabrics, techniques, gadgets, trims, new ideas and old skills all combine to make sewing easy but with an immaculate finish.

Karen's standards are high but she will show you short cuts and tricks of the trade for you to be as exacting as she is.

​Karen has taught many people from scratch how to use a sewing machine, many more to expand their knowledge and attempt projects they have wanted to try but not had the confidence to do alone.

​Karen's aim is to not only teach the basics but to get students to a point where they can create their own designs, get proper fitting on clothing, achieve a professional finish on home furnishings and most importantly have fun whilst doing so.

Classes are small and friendly, chilled and encouraging, motivational but honest in approach to get the best from everyone.

I have known many people whose lives have been touched by Mountbatten and absolutely admire the work everyone does within the charity. We raise money each year for Kissy Puppy with a sewing event but would now like to add Mountbatten to our money raising events. I want to make sure anything we raise will go to a local charity and one that really helps.


Tel: 07972 819854

Email:  [email protected]


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